EQUIMETALS is your trusted companion in metals

More than 230 000 metal grades
EQUIMETALS is the biggest international database with pure focus on the metal industry and professional requirements.

Customized solutions from data to application
We not only provide comprehensive materials data, but offer solutions for using them effectively – we drive you through the whole lifecycle of metal use.

Trusted and reliable
EQUIMETALS systematizes complex and in-depth industry data for clear, easy-to-use information in daily business operations – you only get what you need, instantly.
The EQUIMETALS solution

Intelligent Search
With one of the most sophisticated search tools in the industry, EQUIMETALS navigates you through the global market spanning back several decades to find your new or obsolete material, even if you only have partial information to start with.

Material Comparison
Head-to-head comparison of materials helps you find the best one suited for your needs! The cross-reference system provides all-round material equivalency information to find the cheapest alternative without compromise in quality.

Interactive Diagrams
Find thousands of digitized, interactive diagrams from various fields - such as TTT, Jominy, CCT, tempering, corrosion, Smith, etc. - to enhance your understanding of mechanical and technological properties.

Welding consumables
EQUIMETALS offer the appropriate welding material and shield gas suitable for your technology and base material for both dissimilar joints and normal fusion welding to find the most economic welding solution.

PreWPS calculations
Welding assistants give comprehensive support to speed up the preWPS process, such as seam lines, heat inputs, cold and hot cracks, microstructure of dissimilar joints, and many others.

Corrosion consultancy services
The EQUIMETALS provides all-around corrosion information of the chosen material for several dozen corrosive mediums in different concentration and temperature settings. Our consultancy services include a unique PREN calculator!
EQUIMETALS variety of use cases
Standards, grades & equivalents intelligent searchmaterial comparisonobsolete materials
- Which is the cheapest (or on stock available) local equivalent of European steel 18CrNiMo7-6?
- What is the difference between the EN 10268-2006 and EN10268-98 standards?
- Has a German standard been replaced by an EN-standard?
- Which standardization body has defined a material?
- Which manufacturer does produce a specific metal product?
- Is a given steel a weldable quality?
Chemical & mechanical propertiesgraphsintelligent searchmaterial datasheet
- Which metals (and in which state) meet your specific set of requirements – mechanical properties, corrosion, weldability, heat resistance, etc.?
- What is the chemical composition of a specific metal grade?
- What mechanical properties (yield stress, elongation, impact, hardness etc.) are required by the standard in each state of a metal grade?
- Which Chinese standards refer to the chemical analysis of C = 0.02%; Mn = 1.7%; Cr = 17.5 %?
- Which metals might be used for producing a given product?
Heat treatmentgraphsmaterial datasheet
- Which is the required heat-treatment method of a specific steel for annealing / normalizing / quenching?
- Which heat treatment guarantees 800 MPa yield strength and 15% elongation at the same time?
Corrosion behaviourcorrosion assistantpreWPS calculators
- What corrosion rate can be experienced if a 10% sodium peroxide solution gets in contact with the Swedish corrosion resistant steel grade „2348”?
- Is a container made of X12CrNiTi189 steel suitable for storing 10% sulfuric acid?
- Which steel is resistant to a boiling corrosive medium that contains a solution of 91% acetic acid and 9% potassium permanganate?
- Which material is suitable for storing nitric acid at any concentration?
Fillers and welding gaseswelding consumables
- Which welding gas should be used to optimize budget?
- Which shield gas enables high-speed, high-quality welding to meet deadlines?
- Which filler product should be chosen for a given metal?
- Which filler fits to prepare a joint of dissimilar metal grades?
Entry plan
1 user
50 credits/month for search queries and usage of assistants
Unrestricted access to all functions
Cloud service
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Business plan
Up to 5 team members
500 credits/month for search queries and usage of assistants
Unrestricted access to all functions
Cloud service
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Large Enterprise plan
Unlimited number of team members
Unlimited search queries and usage of assistants
Bank transfer payment option
Unrestricted access to all functions
Priority support
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Entry plan
1 user
50 credits/month for search queries and usage of assistants
Unrestricted access to all functions
Cloud service
Email support
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Business plan
Up to 5 team members
500 credits/month for search queries and usage of assistants
Unrestricted access to all functions
Cloud service
E-mail support with 24 hour reply time
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Large Enterprise plan
Unlimited number of team members
Unlimited search queries and usage of assistants
On-premise installation option
Bank transfer payment option
Unrestricted access to all functions
Priority support
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